The Milonga
(Tango Dance Party)
The Milonga
more details –
Make no mistakes the milongas of New York City are not to be
compared with the present successful milongas of Buenos Aires or
should it ever be made a replica for distinct comparison. It is a
predominant façade to associate going out to dance Tango in the big
apple as if it would be (make belief) with intent that you are about
to have an experience similar to that of Buenos Aires Argentina.
The experience generated from going out on an afternoon or evening
of tango dancing is synonymous and whole-heartedly dependent upon
the partner you happen to dance with. This is the experience that is
often made difficult for most people to translate or put into words
in order to substantiate what are their exact feelings immediately
before, during and after attending the Milonga
Dance Party).
Granted; often most of us are made to belief that a particular
Milonga is named after or decorated in a style with the hopes of
generating a feel
(look-a-like) of
Argentina, but that is an approach only to fascinate the beginner
causing them to think perhaps this is the way people have fun in
Buenos Aires Argentina. Wrong! This feeling however is not something
any known, tango promoter or producer can stop. Why? Because the
Tango is like an addiction and what makes an addiction sticks?
Largely what is based on a first experience... Ironically many
seasoned Tangueros Y Tangueras continue with the façade that the
next time they’re out dancing they expect to cogitate the same older
past feelings, this only give way to control from those who are
knowledgeable and experience.
Finally after all is said and done the enthusiastic beginner makes
up their minds to travel to Buenos Aires with one thing on their
mind…Tango. Fact is, by thinking this way they have now emerge
themselves in the proper mind set that everyone needs to have when
you’re about to go out to a Milonga…Tango Dancing in New York City,
Hawaii or Buenos Aires Argentina.
Russian Tangueros
Y Tangueras
Russians more details – continues
from page one In the likeness of those who mostly aren’t a
bearer or haven’t felt the influence by the “R” in your night out
Tango Dancing, consider yourself special.
On the other hand there is noticeably quite an intake of the “R”
nonsense to this extent we (Newsletter) hope to clarify a few of the
“Make Beliefs”.
There are two (2) types of Russian Tangueros Y Tangueras, the ones
who pay and the ones who will never pay. The Russians of the New
York Tango scene are quite sophisticated, an audios group by our
best terminologies. There are (as with everyone else) the upsides
and the downsides of such an audios group of people.
The “R” in Tango that often pays – are seldom noticed or even
recognized. They are often highly accomplished individuals, light
speakers/talkers who appear to be always lingering in the midst of
everything that’s going on. You sometimes would not notice their
entrance or their exit unless it was brought to your attention. They
are your iconic patrons who will always support each Milonga with
pleasant and good intentions.
The other “R” in the New York Tango scene are not so. They are not
so…, they are different from the above.
Women's Fashion
dancing has more to do with dancing than going out to sometimes more
than one Milonga
Dance Party)
night of the week. Over the years we have notice two lovely women
from the New York Tango scene who are experience fashion designers
advancing themselves into the mainstream of a highly competitive
Andrea Katz and Alicia Muggetti are our chosen women in fashion,
dance, some art and lots of styles. Each of these women bear a
distinct theme associated with the notable extremes found in The
Rose of New York Tango. The contrast is unequal in any measure of
balance, sophistication and common appreciation for taste from the
fashion enthusiastic apprentice to the well cultured and heavenly
mannered individuals.
The fashion of Ms. Katz swivels in fatherless emotions and
discounted demeanors bearing undertones of want, attention and the
colloquial mannerism of desperate need.
Whereas on the other hand the fashions by Alicia Muggetti is quip
with the exploration of fantasies, colorful emotions and the
pronunciation of elegant splendor aligned with a taste and touch of-
class which makes you feel like you can take a deep breath into
yourself without an immediate desire to exhale.
The extremes are distant apart in culture, couture, fabric,
statement, cost and durability. But quite similar by the possessive
passion noticeable in both the individuals personality. The
2-extremes go on too influence intent: to generate volume sales and
brand awareness among a selective few and/or to moderate, associate
and evaluate the minds and hearts of its patrons.
We salute these two women in fashion and Tango and hope their vision
in styles accomplish their hearts desires.
Andrea Katz Fashions:
Alicia Muggetti fashions:
(Newsletter does not promise, associate, negate, relate or
include itself as an authority on fashion criticism.
statements are those of the writer and are not deemed partly, or in
these and other regards an excerpt of the general intent of our
newsletter. Newsletter reserves the right to disassociate itself
from any comments negative or inappropriately miscarried by you or
any of its readers)
Passion Seduction & Attraction
emotions of the Tango is biblical in some ways and can become (in
its chapters) quite religious in the many terms associated with the
person relative to the Tango Dancing experiences. Who the listener
is, is the most important condiment applicable to the conversation
Tango Passion is consistent with the experiences you
encounter when you become silent and Do Not Speak while a force is
being invoked unto you or similarly when you are about to invoke a
force in nature unto another person to whom most of the times you
happen to be holding in a close-embrace.
Seduction is consistent to when, and if ever, while you have
that unexpected opportunity during the dance by which you are
summoned to seduction (Given the option to corrupt the normalcy of
your partners reasonable expectation). Herein you can either-reduce
your partner to a palpable icon devoted to your seductive intentions
(however you choose to exhibit) to simplifying your options by
resounding to flattery, smile and feel like you are the greatest. In
that way your future partners will not surprise you, though this can
occasionally happen to the best of us.
Attraction is consistent to the touch, from everything which
includes but are not subjected to the garments being worn (Or Not)
to the strength and sturdiness of a cohesive inline thigh felt
during a poise while dancing the Tango. Attraction is not synonymous
to someone’s popularity or how much moves they can exhibit. It is
mostly generated by considerable amounts of attention to details
while that person is dancing. These considerations can be noticed
and experienced while seated as an un-looker and most excitedly if
you are the one dancing and having the same experience.
The Top 10 Tango Dance Instructors
Top Ten Tango Instructors were chosen base on their years of
Experience, Vocabulary, Personality and Dance-Leadership.
They are:
#10- Hernan Brazuela
#09- Tioma Moloratsky
#08- Anthony Blackwell (Milonga)
#07- Adam Copenhagan
Karako (Mix)
Stefan Zawistowski
#03- Armando Orzuza
Oliver Kolker
#02- Robin Thomas
Anton Gazenbeek
#01- Paul Pellicorro
With Consolation and special interest to the development of “From &
Expression” in the art of Dance: Instructor- Michael Foster’s
Technique & Balance™ program encompasses a combination of the
body language techniques used by super models and the basic steps
found in Argentine Tango.
The Cost of The Embrace I pay
up to $200 dollars each week lamented one follower, in lessons and
going out to the milongas. Thousands not hundreds are the real cost
to dance tango most people believe. Well for a moment I’ve been
convince that there is much money running about the Tango Milonga
experience, most of which are divided into multiple divisions of the
Milonga (Tango Dance Party).
But the cost of the embrace is what seems to be the most revealing
carnality found in this type of reveling. The socialite Tanguero Y
Tanguera have constantly fought with the contours abrasively laced
and the total experience extracted by the most costly of all
dimensions characterized by the Tango Dancing. This is no small
concern, make no excuse whether it’s the music, the fashion,
friendship or prospective friendships it really does not matter.
What matters is that without sometimes having a proper estimate of
what it would really cost popular Tangueros Y Tangueras gasp at why?
They have spent so much and look what has happen. The EMBRACE, cause
many to have eternal regrets. Don’t be mistaken by any other above
the “Tango Embrace” if you’ve never understand it; you will at least
become very much aware that it can never cost nearly as much as any
other social embrace. (Register for NYC
tango Dance party meet up here)
New York's Top
10 Tango Dance
Top Ten Tango Followers were chosen base on
Floor Morale
notice by their Patience, Articulation and Style when taking the
They are:
#10- Andrea Katz
#09- Maria
#08- Mariela Franganilla
#07- Angeles Chanaha
#06- Karina Romero
#05- Rebecca Schulman
#04- Carina Moeller
#03- Alicia Cruzado
#02- Valeria Solomonoff
#01- Miwa Kanekoe
Top 10 Milonga Do's and Don'ts
a) Never rush in your preparation to attend the
b) Never take a NYC TAXI in order to get to the Milonga a few
minutes earlier.
c) Never apologize (followers) whilst on the dance floor
d) Do not take unnecessary measures like skipping trains or busses
solely because you think you will get to the Milonga a few minutes
e) Never say no to strangers (followers) always ask for an excuse if
you do not want to dance.
f) Never argue before attending the Milonga
g) Don’t ever go out broke (Leaders) have enough money confidence
Absolute Do’s:
a) Make Cleanliness your guide before attending all Dance Tango
c) Avoid overly seducing methods (Keep your hands and fingers in
b) Don’t lie on the dance floor
c) Remain sturdy (Leaders) at all times, be patient she won’t be
upset with you.
f) Compliment your partner honestly at all times
g) Accept responsibility and apologize always during bumping even if
you are right.
h) Take care and be considerate when proposing to a stranger
I) Be confident and smile before and after a rejection
j) Cautiously evade those who are eternally superior
k) Invite cautiously your partner on and off the dance floor in the
right direction.
New York's Top 10 host and déjà's:
decisions were made based on professional courtesy, respect and
Host and déjà's:
#10-Adam- Wednesdays
#09-Jose and Silvanna- Mondays
#08-Jorge Torres- Dance Studio 101
#07-Carlos De Chey- Sandra Cameron Saturdays
#06-Trey and Rick- Central Park Saturdays
#05-Maria Jose, Juan Pablo and Coco- Thursday
#04-Sandra and Jose- Lafayette Grill Saturday
#03-Sara Larocca – All-Night Tango
#02-Gayatri Martin- La Boca
#01-Rebecca Schulman
Michael Apologizes...Again?
Damn right I apologized…(more
about Michael Tango here) Again, and While I’m at it let me also
apologize for a few other important concerns and to a few most
important people influential to the New York City Dance Tango
Apology #10:
To the followers that is always complaining. I apologize that for
some reason you can never be happier unless there is something or
someone to complain about such as – There is not enough leaders, the
music is too loud or the volume is too low, the ambiance needs this
or that, you should have more cheese and less fruits or the other
way around, the dance floor is this or that, you should invite this
person or that person, you should play more of this or that, the
light is to bright or dark, you need a bigger bathroom, I’m not
coming back. I AM SORRY! I APOLOGIZE! I promise to do better for
especially you…next year.
Apology #09:
To the beginners who simply may never understand. I apologized that
you are finding out that you are not as good a dancer as you hope to
believe you are in actuality, for the fact that you’re having an
uncomfortable experience on the dance floor, for the times no one
ask you to dance for 3-weeks in a row, for the reasons why today’s
basic lesson was basic and not intermediate, that the Milonga
started 30-minutes later than slated to begin, that I forgot to lead
you to this or that, that I took your number and forget to call
you…I AM SORRY! I Apologized that you did not always get what you
hoped for. I promise to do better for especially you…next year.
Apology #08:
To my fellow dance Instructors who are very good at what they Do. I
apologized that you don’t seem to understand that students are free
to choose instructors based on personal appeal and effective results
from the dance instructions they are paying for, that you don’t see
it is counter-productive to compel another to believe no other
instructors is as good as you think you are, that your undermining
efforts to discourage the apparent progress of another dance
instructor ultimately surfaced as your agony of defeat, that you
cannot understand that there is enough students, more than enough
paying students available to keep every good dance instructor
reasonably busy overtime, that you do not understand that there is a
significant difference between your experience as a dance instructor
over your experience as a performer, that you slow to understand
that incorrect (shot-cut) methods of dance instruction eventually
makes you look bad as an instructor, that you cannot understand that
it is ok teach the dance styles that you are absolutely sure you are
good at. I apologize! Maybe, an instructor’s conference can help
produce and instructors guide to Argentine Tango instructions…Next
Apology #07:
To the Argentine’s specific to Tango cosmetology. I apologized that
you can become very uncomfortable when there is constantly a rising
appreciation for many dancers of the Argentine Tango who are not
Argentine born, that very often it upsets you that there is a
broader meaning to the term “Argentine” when it is suggestive in
considerations – the dance “Argentine Tango”, that one day there
maybe more people in the world, better Tango instructors,
performers, leaders and followers who are aware that dancing the
tango is not synonymous to the country of Argentina, that you (if
you are an Argentine) would not worry that the cultural satire of
Tango-Argentino is in fact reflective of a “world dance” and
Argentines who are specific to the Tango Cosmetology are
miss-appropriating themselves by striving to become wealthy on what
is simply a myth. I apologize that even as this happens (As exist in
NYC and many other Nuevo Dance Cities) some Argentines may never
understand that cultural satire has nothing to do with art and dance
– “World Dance”. I promise Argentine Tango lovers of the world will
Apology #06:
To the leaders who feel cheated out of the followers choice. I
apologized for the demised I’ve cause some of my fellow leaders. I
did not mean to be rude; according to “Burly” it’s not my fault.
Even if I had a choice now I cannot undo that fact that I am a
better dancer than you are. I apologize for being a more talented
person than you are, that I can dance with almost anyone without
becoming consumed by the overriding desires compulsive to taking
some of the dance experience to some place supposedly…quieter? I
apologize to the leaders who feel that the partner they’re dancing
with does not wish she was dancing with me instead. I promise to
become less available in hopes that you won’t have to honor my
presence whenever you see me dancing.
Apology #05:
To my Friends in the Tango scene whose unbelief’s are warranted? I
apologized for being alternative-but-comely in-that my smile
blisters like the morning sunlight, that I hold no grudge to you and
the love of the tango. I agree that your unbelief’s can be
treacherous so much that you can hurt yourself in your efforts to
deprecate my character and slow my progressiveness. I apologize that
unfortunately I remain steadfast in my grasp of the number-one
priority – my ability to Ignore, “You” this is easier now because
there is so much more to appreciate in the people who’s only hope is
to have good eventful Tango experiences right here in NYC.
Apology #04:
To my devoted Milonga Patrons (the ones who never paid). I still
appreciate you, (I was being sarcastic when I say I would pay you
to be here…) but I apologize I hadn’t say this sooner, I apologized
that I was too busy dancing with someone else and not you, that you
waited all night and I did not even noticed you were standing
there…right there…over there? I apologize that I did not here the
buzzer when you arrived too late, that I could not partner-up with
you and spilt the proceeds of my Milonga, that I missed that
opportunity you once presented to me? I apologize. I promise next
year we will make amends…Next year.
Apology #03:
To my best students (the ones who will pay soon). I apologized for
the reason you thought I was going to charge you a fee in the first
place. I am a better instructor today because of you, I am sorry you
felt I was about to remind you about paying when I was only saying a
good hello at the Milonga, that you felt - maybe you should not come
to my dance events because you think you owed me something. I
sincerely apologize for the bad experience you have been having with
your dancing, I know this because I’ve seen you dancing, and you
have not improved.
Apology #02:
To my Dance Tango Partners (to be continued). I apologized to you
(some of you) could not move on except you were convinced that I am
totally eliminated from the face of the earth, my apologies: that
often you imagine I could have been (needful) a better and best
lover to a fraction of the ability noticeable in my dancing, that
you (some of you) would prefer another chance to dance wherein you
would not have had the overwhelming desires to proposed for the sake
(risk) of not feeling rejected…my apologies to you (some of you).,
that you (in your madly stimulating imagination) sought to conquer
your emotions by ill beliefs and the imbalance of mentally construed
“make-beliefs”, corrupt retardation in the passions which sometimes
coexist Only after a single Tander…my apologies to you., (some of
you)., my apologies also goes out to the extended prospective
partners to who you have poison their minds forcing them to
effectuate the same ill thoughts in their innocence…my apologies to
them., (some of them). Finally, my apologies goes out to those Tango
followers who thought many years ago that a stern pre-meditated
rejection towards me was well prepared intentionally, whereas if I
were to ever proposed a dance Tango you would surely execute the
ultimate rejection…? My apologies to you in that you are still
waiting, I apologies that you’ve notice better than you are excited
and welcome the opportunity to say yes to my lead. Don’t worry I’ll
approach you soon…? Next year.
Apology #01:-
To the Milonga promoters who appreciate our patronage. My apologies
to you in that you felt that one day every local dance instructor
seeking to advance themselves needed your approval and would have
found the need to seek your wrights to pronounce their names at your
milongas (for a price) that you would have approved certain
instructors’ ability. Surely! Time has gone by and your invited
guess instructors and performers today are not nearly as good as
what you finally must appreciate in many existing local talents. My
apologies for you…(and most promoters) on this behalf for your
hastiness to identify yourself with the mighty dollar above the
longevity of good talent. That your desire to use the mighty dollar
as your guide to appreciate the people you’ve corrupt into attending
one Milonga and not to attend certain other milongas…my apologies
are mostly on behalf of you. The next $10 or $15 dollars makes all
the difference in your Milonga. In fact it may be the reason why
you’ve started promoting a Milonga in the first place. I apologize
on your behalf and hope that you can see that there is much more
value, self-fulfillment and gratification in the advancement of the
Tango Dance as an art and not another opportunity for massive
cut-throat promotions. It’s not about competition, Tango is “World
Dance” similar to “World Music” give that opportunity to continue to
spread without the dollar heavily attach to it. What the world needs
today is an embrace.
Last weeks headlines news:
Seaport Tango
Sundays all
Summer – The South
Street Seaport Tango “Show & Tell” Dancing continues, though all
the upheavals and innocent discrepancies. Some things are best
un-said or better have never been said. But we who believe should
remember that if there is never (Free) dancing at the South Street
Seaport again after this year we have only ourselves to be blamed.
C-you in 7:30-11pm on Sunday SAYS Michael.
Free Dance lessons at City Locations Starts in
November Free dance lessons in bars around the city
– During the month of November. Michael Foster’s Dance Network will
be introducing free dance lesson at a number of popular venues
throughout the 5-boroughs of New York City beginning in the month of
November. They are to include: Bars, Restaurants, Dance Schools,
Social Clubs, Gyms and Private Studios. Updates are available at
New York Tango
New York Tango Bar was established 5-years ago.
Rooftop Tango con Swing, Tango Lounge and Milonga Tradicional. The
events are coming again, bigger, better and we will be invited the
best Tango and Friends Argentina has to offer.
New York
home page is coming soon– Presently please view online by typing
into your browser Http://
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